
EditPlus v5.6 Build 4272 64-bit 汉化破解版


ES-Computing EditPlus是一款小巧功能强大的老牌代码文本编辑器,可处理文本、网页和程序语言的文字编辑器,也可以将它作为C/Java/Php等语言的简单IDE调试编辑工具。它支持HTML, PHP, Java, C / C ++, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python, Ruby on Rails语法高亮显示,而且可以自定义代码方案对其它编程语言扩展,HTML/CSS1指令功能非常完整;此外,它还具有FTP/FTPS/sftp功能、十六进制查看器、HTML编辑器、cliptext、颜色标记、监视剪贴板、批量搜索和替换、定制键盘快捷方式等功能。



Version 5.6 (2022-06-27)

=== Features ===
- Supports Windows 10/11 dark mode ('Preferences'->'Colors'->'Follow system dark mode')
- Supports "rsa-sha2-256" for sftp server host key algorithms.
- Adds a button in the Find dialog box that opens Replace dialog box.
- Adds a button in the Find dialog box that opens Find in Files dialog box.
- Allows 'Larger Font Size' and 'Smaller Font Size' commands in hex viewer mode.
- 'Show full path in the title bar' option ('Preferences'->'Tools').
- Adds a toolbar button for 'Always on Top' command.

=== Bug fixes ===
- Fixes 'Invalid packet size' error on some sftp servers.
- Fixes an issue where FTPS didn't work with some FileZilla server configurations.
- Fixes an sftp download issue with SFTPGo servers.
- Fixes 'Connection is busy' FTP error message when 'Sync Directory' option is turned on.
- Fixes unnecessary refresh of Directory Window when uploading or downloading remote files.
- Fixes an issue where 'Reload unsaved buffers' option could cause program crash.
- Fixes a program crash when running Select All command on Edge internal browser.
- Fixes an issue where file path on the title bar could be corrupted when opening from recent file list.
- Fixes an issue where 'Customize Date/Time' didn't update changes from menu selection correctly.
- Fixes an issue where drag and drop column selection didn't work between two running instances.
- Fixes an issue where hex "a0" (non-breaking space) wasn't treated as delimiter.
- Fixes an issue where 'External Browser - Edge' browser option value didn't work correctly.
- Fixes an issue where 'Use Code Folding' menu command didn't work correctly in some cases.
- Fixes an issue where output window could not locate file name that has number at the end.
- Fixes an issue with the Store version where 'Capture Output' user tool option didn't work.


by W. Jordan’s blogの汉文博士(已停更)

* 最新版由烈火采用汉文博士的汉化全面补充完善
4、包含 Liangjh 的 Tips.txt 文件,新增了 python 等语法着色模板文件。


金山云        蓝奏云        奶牛快传

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