Master PDF Editor,强大的多功能PDF编辑器,轻松查看,创建,修改,批注,签名,扫描,OCR和打印PDF文档。高级注释工具,可以添加任意便笺指示对象突出显示,加下划线和删除,而无需更改源PDF文件。
Version 5.9.84
May 28, 2024
- Added the ability to convert PDF documents to grayscale.
- Added the ability to insert an invisible signature.
- Added the ability to export all content from a PDF document to Excel.
- Added the ability to apply a scanner texture effect to a document.
- Added the ability to use manual duplex printing if a printer does not support automatic duplex printing.
- Added the ability to choose some new date formats for the Text Field form.
- Fixed issues with configuring comment tools.
- Fixed issues with opening and saving documents.
- Fixed issues with configuring and exporting bookmarks.
- Fixed issues with launching the software.
- Fixed an issue with the program deactivating when a different version is installed offline.
- Fixed an issue with tracking changes in the document with a digital signature when the document is signed for the second time.
* 去输出文件水印,第三方便携化,无需安装
* 原版除输出文件上添加水印外,无任何限制。