
免费开源的分享工具 | ShareX v16.1.0 官方中文版


ShareX是一款功能非常强大的分享工具,只要是免费开源的程序,都可以将分享的内容上传到网路上的免费服务,或是个人的云端空间等等,多达20多种不同的服务,也能指定到 FTP,也能够自己定义不支援的空间等等。



ShareX功能多到夸张内建有萤幕撷图的功能,还支援圆角方形、椭圆形、三角形、多边形等等的撷取范围,也还有萤幕录影的功能,能将图片输出成动态的 GIF 档案。在萤幕撷图之后有各种动作的设定,有浮水印、边框、注解、复制到剪贴簿、列印图片、存档、另存新档与上传图片,这些功能老实说颇实在的,能有比较广泛的应用。

大部分的功能和快捷键都可以自定义。比如说你可以配置成,按下快捷键截图后,自动加上水印(或者其他效果),自动上传到 imgur,然后把可以分享的图片网址自动缩短(是的,你没看错,这货也支持各种网址缩短),然后自动复制链接到剪切板,并同时自动发送 tweet。

除了截图以外,ShareX 还能分享剪切板内的文字,或者上传文件到各种服务。然后,它还有一些其他的功能,感兴趣话可以去安装来慢慢研究。


ShareX 16.1.0 - 2024-05-09

  • Added an "Update channel" option to the "Application settings" window with the following options:
    • Release
    • Pre-release
    • Dev
  • Added "Background dim strength" region capture option.
  • Scrolling capture improvements:
    • Added scrolling capture status indicator.
    • Scrolling capture automatically stops if the first image combine attempt fails.
    • Improved image combining performance.
    • Mouse wheel input is now ignored within the scrolling capture region.
    • Added help button to scrolling capture window, which opens this page: https://getsharex.com/docs/scrolling-screenshot
  • Update FFmpeg to version 7.0.
  • Previously, releasing the Escape key would close the active window. Now, it will also check if the Escape key was initially pressed in the active window as well.
  • Improved task icon detection in "Quick task menu".
  • Added "Cut out background color" option for image editor "Cut out" tool (by @flmbray).
  • Browser extension host manifest files are now stored in app folder instead of Documents\ShareX\Tools folder.
  • Improved update downloader progress text.
  • Added "Enable browser extension support" option to setup.
  • Google has forced us to use a more restrictive API scope (/auth/drive.file) for Google Drive, which does not allow us to see files or folders anymore. Because of this, we cannot provide folder listing and selection support anymore.
    • However, there is a workaround. You can navigate to the Google Drive website in your browser, open the folder you want to upload to, and then copy the folder ID from the browser's address bar to "Folder ID" textbox.


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