ShareX是一款功能非常强大的分享工具,只要是免费开源的程序,都可以将分享的内容上传到网路上的免费服务,或是个人的云端空间等等,多达20多种不同的服务,也能指定到 FTP,也能够自己定义不支援的空间等等。
ShareX功能多到夸张内建有萤幕撷图的功能,还支援圆角方形、椭圆形、三角形、多边形等等的撷取范围,也还有萤幕录影的功能,能将图片输出成动态的 GIF 档案。在萤幕撷图之后有各种动作的设定,有浮水印、边框、注解、复制到剪贴簿、列印图片、存档、另存新档与上传图片,这些功能老实说颇实在的,能有比较广泛的应用。
大部分的功能和快捷键都可以自定义。比如说你可以配置成,按下快捷键截图后,自动加上水印(或者其他效果),自动上传到 imgur,然后把可以分享的图片网址自动缩短(是的,你没看错,这货也支持各种网址缩短),然后自动复制链接到剪切板,并同时自动发送 tweet。
除了截图以外,ShareX 还能分享剪切板内的文字,或者上传文件到各种服务。然后,它还有一些其他的功能,感兴趣话可以去安装来慢慢研究。
ShareX 17.0.0 - 2025-01-08
- Scrolling capture improvements:
- Automatically ignores 50px from the bottom during scrolling captures, useful for cases like horizontal scrollbars at the bottom.
- Added an "Auto ignore bottom edge" option, which compares two images to identify static parts at the bottom, in addition to the default 50px.
- Added a "Copy" button to the scrolling capture window.
- Added notification sound to certain actions: ShareX
- Screen recording stop/pause/abort actions.
- Scrolling capture action.
- "Pin to screen" tool.
- "Screen color picker" tool.
- "Borderless window" tool.
- Browser extension action.
- Silent OCR action.
- "Disable/Enable hotkeys" action.
- Added "Play sound after action is completed" option.
- Added "Use custom action completed sound" option.
- Removed toast notification from silent OCR action.
- Removed "Disable notifications" option.
- Added Arabic language support. OthmanAliModaes
- When "DisableUpload" registry is set, hide upload related items in the main window.
- Save tasks to history regardless of failed or stopped upload.
- Allow restoring borderless window in "Borderless window" tool.
- Added "Make active window borderless" hotkey.
- Added "Make active window top most" hotkey.
- Added "Pin to screen (Close all)" hotkey.
- Removed YouTube icon because Google does not allow us to use a 16x16 size logo.
- Removed Google Photos image uploader. (Reason: https://developers.googleblog.com/en/google-photos-picker-api-launch-and-library-api-updates/)
- Removed adf.ly URL shortener.
- Removed backward compatibility for .sxcu files generated before ShareX 12.4.0.