
免费开源的分享工具 | ShareX v16.0.1 官方中文版


ShareX是一款功能非常强大的分享工具,只要是免费开源的程序,都可以将分享的内容上传到网路上的免费服务,或是个人的云端空间等等,多达20多种不同的服务,也能指定到 FTP,也能够自己定义不支援的空间等等。



ShareX功能多到夸张内建有萤幕撷图的功能,还支援圆角方形、椭圆形、三角形、多边形等等的撷取范围,也还有萤幕录影的功能,能将图片输出成动态的 GIF 档案。在萤幕撷图之后有各种动作的设定,有浮水印、边框、注解、复制到剪贴簿、列印图片、存档、另存新档与上传图片,这些功能老实说颇实在的,能有比较广泛的应用。

大部分的功能和快捷键都可以自定义。比如说你可以配置成,按下快捷键截图后,自动加上水印(或者其他效果),自动上传到 imgur,然后把可以分享的图片网址自动缩短(是的,你没看错,这货也支持各种网址缩短),然后自动复制链接到剪切板,并同时自动发送 tweet。

除了截图以外,ShareX 还能分享剪切板内的文字,或者上传文件到各种服务。然后,它还有一些其他的功能,感兴趣话可以去安装来慢慢研究。


Screen recording improvements:
Update FFmpeg to version 6.1
Added ddagrab (Desktop Duplication API) support to screen recording*
If you have an NVIDIA GPU, it is recommended to use ddagrab with the NVENC video encoder together, as NVENC can access captured frames from the GPU directly
Added "Pause" button to screen recording tray menu
Screen recording options window UI improvements*
Update "Preset" options of NVENC video encoder
Added "Tune" option to NVENC video encoder
Update "Usage" options of AMF video encoder
Added "Bitrate" option to AMF video encoder
Update "Palette mode" & "Dithering mode" options of GIF encoder
Added "Reset options" button to Screen recording options window
Increase the maximum FPS option limit for screen recording when dev mode is enabled*
Rewrote scrolling capture support from scratch:
New scrolling capture window which have simpler/user friendly UI compared to before*
New algorithm to improve image combining/detection accuracy with support to fallback to old algorithm if combining/detection fails
Removed most of scrolling capture options that was exists before and new algorithm tries to automate it much as possible to keep it simple to use
Image combining performance improvements
Image combining now happens between captures instead of combining all images at the end, which means users don't have to wait for long processing time at the end of the scrolling capture anymore
Preview image can be panned by holding mouse left click
Added scrolling capture options window with these options:
Start delay
Automatically scroll to top
Scroll delay
Scroll amount
Automatically upload / save
Show scrolling capture region
Scrolling capture hotkey now acts as both start and stop
Image editor improvements:
Implemented proper undo/redo support to image editor (by @gregorygregio)
Previously, the image editor unsaved changes dialog asked if the user would like to close the image editor, now instead it asks if the user would like to save the changes with "Yes", "No" and "Cancel" buttons (by @gregorygregio)
Added "Load image from URL" button to the image editor startup window
In image editor use Ctrl + C instead of Ctrl + Shift + C to copy image to clipboard
Added "Image beautifier" tool:
Added "Beautify image" button to task context menu
Added "Beautify image" after capture task
Added hotkey for "Image beautifier" tool
The image beautifier tool contains the following image effect options:
Smart padding
Rounded corner
Shadow radius
Shadow opacity
Shadow distance
Shadow angle
Shadow color
"Pin to screen" tool improvements:
Added toolbar with these buttons:
Automatically hide the toolbar if it is bigger than the pinned area
Added pin to screen options window with these options*:
Placement offset
Top most
Keep center location
Border size
Border color
Minimize size
Support pinning context menus/popups
Do not round the corners of the pinned area on Windows 11
Each "Pin to screen" now runs in separate thread
"Video converter" tool improvements:
Added AV1 video encoder
Added NVENC H.264 & HEVC video encoders
Added Quick Sync H.264 & HEVC video encoders
Added AMF H.264 & HEVC video encoders
Added "Use bitrate" option
Always show custom arguments on UI
Allow overriding file extension by editing the "Output file name"
Do not use audio encoder if input file is gif, webp, png or apng
"QR code" tool improvements:
New layout for the QR code window*
Added "QR code size" option
Added "Copy image", "Save image" and "Upload image" buttons
"Inspect window" tool improvements:
New layout for the tool window*
Added window list
Added "Top most" option
Added "Opacity" option
Rename "Hash check" tool to "Hash checker"
Hash checker tool UI improvements*
"OCR" tool improvements:
Improved OCR scale factor option performance, enabling faster upscaling of images before applying OCR
While doing OCR, preserve spaces in the Korean language
Added "Close OCR window after opening service link" option (Task settings window -> OCR tab) (by @gregorygregio)
Added "Capture pre configured window" hotkey, the window is configurable from "Task settings window -> Capture tab"
Improve the visuals of hotkey tips in the ShareX main window
Added auto complete support to history & image history window search box
ShareX browser extension update:
Added "Shorten URL with ShareX" button
Renamed "Upload with ShareX" buttons to specify exact action:
Upload image with ShareX
Upload video with ShareX
Upload audio with ShareX
Upload text with ShareX
Added Data URL support for browser extension base64 image uploads
Added an option to use after capture tasks for browser extension image uploads (Task settings window -> Advanced tab -> ProcessImagesDuringExtensionUpload)
Added an additional 383 gradient presets to the gradient picker window
Display gradient presets in a grid format within the gradient picker window
Image effects improvements:
Added "Use random image effect" option (Task settings window -> Effects tab)
Added image effect option summaries near effect names, for example: Border: 5px, Resize: 250px, 200px
Added "Background image" image effect
Added "Border size" & "Border color" options to "Pixelate" image effect
Added "Padding" option to "Auto crop" image effect
Added "Auto resize" option to "Shadow" image effect
Added "Background" & "Edge overlap" options to "Particles" image effect*
Added "Radius" option to "Gaussian blur" image effect
Added Hebrew language support (by @erelado)
Added "Cache-Control header" option to Azure Storage file uploader (by @Scrxtchy)
Added "Use direct link" option to OneDrive file uploader (by @Yi-pixel)
Update Dropbox direct link format
Removed Gfycat uploader
Removed Teknik uploader
If an error occurs during clipboard upload, display a message box asking the user if they would like to retry the upload
If the user attempts to close the application while a screen recording is active, a message box will appear, asking if they would like to abort the screen recording
Increase custom uploader settings window width
Added "outputbox" custom uploader syntax which shows output dialog, example syntaxes: {outputbox:text}, {outputbox:title|text}
Renamed {prompt} custom uploader syntax to {inputbox}
Slight tray icon animation changes
Support for closing the window with the Escape key has been added to most of the windows
Update "Google image search" button to use "Google Lens" instead because "Google image search" is deprecated
Rename Twitter to X and update the logo
Moved the "Automatically check for updates" option to the "General" tab from the "Advanced" tab
Automatically register failed hotkeys on hotkey settings window startup
Added support for individual hex color channels in the screen color picker: rhex, ghex, bhex, rHEX, gHEX, bHEX (by @yevhenii-sir)
Do not save default hotkey task settings to decrease HotkeysConfig.json file size significantly
Show detailed upload progress in main window when dev mode is enabled
If the user does not have administrator permissions, the setup will automatically set {localappdata}\Programs as the default installation path
Implement single-instance support using named pipes instead of IPC for preparation for .NET upgrade in the future because IPC is deprecated in .NET
Added "Disable Print Screen key for Snipping Tool" option to setup


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