NanaZip 是一款基于 7-Zip 21.03 的开源压缩工具,最重要的特性是支持了 Windows 11 右键菜单,还在右键菜单中合并了查询文件哈希值菜单。
基於7-Zip 21.03的壓縮軟件,支持Windows 11右鍵菜單,支持中文
下载附件中的MouriNaruto.cer,并在以管理员身份运行的命令提示符中执行Certutil-addStore Root“[MouriNaruto.cer的路径]”。
- Features
- Introduce the UFS/UFS2 file system image readonly support. (Thanks to NishiOwO.)
- Introduce work-in-progress NanaZip Platform Abstraction Layer (K7Pal) for wrapping the platform specific infrastructures. (Thanks to RuesanG's feedback.) (https://github.com/M2Team/NanaZip/tree/main/K7Pal)
- Provide hash functions interfaces implemented with Windows CNG API. NanaZip uses these hash functions from K7Pal:
- MD2
- MD4
- MD5
- SHA-1
- SHA-256
- SHA-384
- SHA-512
- ED2K (Implemented as the K7Pal MD4 wrapper in NanaZip.Codecs.)
- Provide hash functions interfaces implemented with Windows CNG API. NanaZip uses these hash functions from K7Pal:
- Update NanaZip.Specification.SevenZip header file.
- Introduce the Smart Extraction. (Contributed by R-YaTian.)
- Adds a setting for opening the folder after extracting from archive. (Contributing by DaxDupont.)
- Improvements
- Synchronize the 7-Zip mainline implementations to 24.09. (https://github.com/ip7z/7zip/releases/tag/24.09) (Thanks to Igor Pavlov. Noticed by FadeMind and peashooter2.)
- Synchronize the BLAKE3 implementation to 1.5.5. (https://github.com/BLAKE3-team/BLAKE3/releases/tag/1.5.5)
- Synchronize the RHash implementation to the latest master branch which is after v1.4.5. (rhash/RHash@cf2adf2)
- Synchronize the xxHash implementation to v0.8.3. (https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash/releases/tag/v0.8.3)
- Update Mile.Windows.Helpers to 1.0.671. (https://github.com/ProjectMile/Mile.Windows.Helpers/tree/1.0.671.0)
- Update Brazilian Portuguese translation. (Contributed by maisondasilva.)
- Update Polish translation. (Contributed by ChuckMichael.)
- Update zh-Hans and zh-Hant translations for 'Want * History' strings. (Contributed by R-YaTian.) (Forget to mentioned in NanaZip 5.0 Preview 1.)
- Make sure NanaZip Core (except the Self Extracting Executables) and NanaZip Classic using ucrtbase.dll with 10.0.19041.0 version or later.
- Move NanaZip console version to NanaZip.Core project.
- Remove C++/WinRT dependency for NanaZip.Codecs and NanaZip.Frieren.
- Remove VC-LTL dependency for all components, and also use Mile.Windows.UniCrt (https://github.com/ProjectMile/Mile.Windows.UniCrt) instead of VC-LTL for non Self Extracting Executables stub components.
- Adjust the compilation configurations to optimize the binary size for the Self Extracting Executables.
- Start to simplify the NanaZip specific decoders and encoders implementation.
- Enable disabling child process creation for NanaZip Self Extracting Executables. (Except installer mode of Self Extracting Executables, which compiled binaries is not provided in the NanaZip MSIX package.)
- Fixes
- Add GetDpiForWindowWrapper for NanaZip.Frieren.DarkMode to fix the legacy Windows compatibility issues.
- Don't fail ModernSHBrowseForFolderW when DefaultFolder cannot be set. (Contributed by dinhngtu.)
- Fix the issue that which NanaZip windows and dialogs will be opened in the background when using NanaZip from context menu. (Contributed by R-YaTian.)