Kodi(原名 XBMC)是一个屡获殊荣的免费和开源(GPL) 软件媒体播放器和娱乐中心,可安装在 Linux、OSX、Windows、iOS 和 Android 上,具有 10 英尺的用户界面,可与电视和遥控器配合使用。它允许用户从本地和网络存储媒体和互联网播放和查看大多数视频、音乐、播客和其他数字媒体文件。
Kodi 是终极的娱乐中心软件。它播放几乎所有可以找到的媒体,并且在播放时看起来很棒!这只是Kodi擅长的几件事,为什么不今天亲自尝试呢?
Kodi 可以播放您的所有音乐,包括 mp3,flac,wav 和 wma 格式。它具有提示表,标签读取支持和智能播放列表,可最终控制您的音乐收藏。
Kodi 也可以做电影! Kodi 支持所有主要的视频格式,包括流媒体在线媒体,可以轻松导入,浏览和播放电影收藏。
Kodi允许您从易于使用的界面观看和录制直播电视。它可以与许多流行的后端一起使用,包括 MediaPortal,MythTV,NextPVR,Tvheadend 等。
Kodi 允许您完全更改皮肤界面的整体外观。毫无疑问,您会找到适合自己口味(或休息室)的东西。
Kod i的真正力量来自用户选择的大量附加组件。有用于流行的 Web 服务,应用程序和脚本的加载项。查看当前可用的
Web 界面
使用基于JSON-RPC的远程接口与Kodi进行交互。这为远程控制,Web 浏览器和第三方工具带来了许多可能性,从而使 Kodi 迈上了一个新台阶。
通过支持数百种遥控器,兼容CEC的电视或新的智能手机和平板电脑应用程序之一,Kodi 允许您以自己的方式控制媒体。
Kodi 默认支持多种不同语言。Kodi 建立了这样的机制,如果某种语言未被支持或者未得到更新,可以通过注册 Kodi Main Translation Project 来增加支持。当前已支持的语言是南非语、巴斯克语、巴西葡萄牙语、保加利亚语、加泰罗尼亚语、简体中文、繁体中文、克罗地亚语、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、英语、美国英语、世界语、芬兰语、法语、德语、希腊语、希伯来语、匈牙利语、冰岛语、印度尼西亚语、意大利语、日语、韩语、马耳他语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、俄语、塞尔维亚语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、西班牙语、墨西哥西班牙语、瑞典语、泰语、土耳其语和乌克兰语。
首先打开 Kodi,点击左上角的设置按钮,点击 Interface 选项,点击 Skin 下面的 Fonts 选项,把字体选择为 Arial based。接着选择 Regional,在弹出的 Language 界面中选择 Chinese 选项,回到 Kodi 就变成中文界面了。
Kodi(原 XBMC)是由非营利技术财团XBMC/Kodi 基金会开发的免费和开源媒体播放器应用程序。Kodi 适用于多个操作系统和硬件平台,配备 10 英尺长的用户界面,可与电视和遥控器配合使用。它允许用户从本地和网络存储媒体和互联网播放和查看大多数视频、音乐、播客和其他数字媒体文件。
Kodi 21.2 "Omega" - Release
Team Kodi
January 19, 2025·4 min read
New Year, New Kodi? Not quite, but here we go with the next point release of the 21.x "Omega" series.
The usual story: bugfixes, not features. The full changelog can be found on Github, as usual.
Release Summary
Major user-facing changes include:
Library/Sources and Management
Fixed a bug that ignored images in the ...\season\.actors folder. The \season\.actors folders have been deprecated and all actors are saved in the \TV Show\.actors folder. (forum, PR)
Restore performance of movie addition to the library to v20 (Nexus) level (PR)
Fixed/improved playback from some UPnP server software (at least UMS and Gerbera. Some NAS UPnP servers are based on UMS under the covers). Playback starts faster and multiple videos can be played consecutively. (PR)
Preserve special characters in names of scanned or added movie extras (PR)
Replace context menu items 'Set actor/artist thumb' with 'Choose art' to make it possible again to add/and set other artwork, not only thumbnails (PR)
Fixed mark watched/unwatched operations missing in certain context menus (PR)
Honour importwatchedstate and importresumepoint settings from advancedsettings.xml (PR)
Fixed HDR passthrough on video sources with partial or missing display metadata (only GL/GLES platforms) (PR)
Fixed HDR to SDR tone mapping on video sources with partial or missing display metadata (only GL/GLES platforms) (PR)
Fixed possible incorrect picture metadata if playing different HDR videos without stopping the previous one and the videos had different HDR metadata (all platforms) (PR)
Fixed on Blu-Ray discs some BD-j menu items not displaying correctly due to multi-thread timing issues (PR)
Fixed deletion of bookmarks in video if the video has also chapters (PR)
Fixed an issue with the last track duration of some albums stored in mka containers (PR)
Fixed missing context menu entries for plugin-provided items (PR)
Restored the ability of enter credentials when browsing SMB shares (only POSIX platforms) (PR)
Updated cURL to 8.10.0 to fix issues with FTP TLS sources (PR)
EPG search fixes (PR)
Fixed resume points for recordings not honoured (PR)
Fixed 'User has no access / server' error if broadcasts have been shifted (PR)
Fixed default select action 'show info' for PVR items (PR)
Added Donation tab in System Settings (PR)
In preparation for our next major release, we've been updating the translation strings in all 78 of our binary add-ons (audio, inputstream, peripheral, screensaver, vfs, visualisation...). These updates have now all been backported to this release, so there's a bonus of a year's worth of fixes and improvements here.
Greatly improved joystick support on Android (PR)
Fixed possible crash when getInterfaceName method returns null (PR)
Fixed resuming paused media playback not working via play/pause media key press (PR)
Fixed black screen when resuming app from minimised state (PR)
Fixed memory corruption when high quality video scalers are used (PR)
Fixed possible infinite loop when using GBM and a DRM Atomic Commit fails (PR)
Fixed windowed Kodi becoming larger on every start when running on Wayland with a scale factor (PR)
Fixed crash when trying to detect optical media (PR)
Fixed the crash issue that occurred when accessing the computer using Remote Desktop Protocol (PR)
Fixed the ability of the built-in WOL feature to wake up servers (PR)
Fixed the potential crash occurred when the system contained environment variables name with a length of more than 64 characters (PR)
Fixed HDR feature did not work on Windows 11 24H2 under some circumstances (PR)
Improved support for WCG displays on Windows 11 24H2 (PR)