Mixxx 是免费的开源软件,并完全由社区推动的。Mixxx 背后没有公司 – 开发工作由热情的 DJ 和程序员共同承担,他们将自己的业余时间投入到自己喜欢的 DJ 软件上。Mixxx 永远都是免费的!Mixxx 是一个开源音频软件应用程序,具有双重功能,iTunes 集成,BPM 检测和同步,实时广播以及自动混音功能,可帮助您混音。
适用于所有 DJ 的强大功能
Mixxx 集成了 DJ 与数字音乐文件进行创意现场混音所需的工具。
无论您是仅带笔记本电脑的新 DJ 还是经验丰富的转盘师,Mixxx 都能支持您的混音风格和技巧。
BPM 按键检测和同步
BPM 和音乐键检测可帮助您从库中找到完美的下一首曲目。使用主同步来匹配四首歌曲的节奏和节拍,以实现无缝混音。
DJ 控制器支持
DJ 控制器硬件的内置映射使您可以手动控制Mixxx的功能。使用可编程映射系统自定义您的工作流程并添加对任何 MIDI 或 HID 设备的支持。
Mixxx 还包含 VU 电平表,线路衰减器,均衡器和增益旋钮,可让您调整耳机音量,设置提示点,应用特殊效果,在小型唱盘中播放简短的样本并聆听歌曲,然后再在混音中使用它们。专用甲板。
当您想要停止混音并让应用程序随机播放,跳过和更改下一首曲目的过渡时,自动混音功能会派上用场。混合的音频文件可以导出到 WAV,AIFF,MP3,OGG,FLAC 或 AAC。
Mixxx 是由 DJ 们,程序员,和艺术家组成的国际社区开发。由于 Mixxx 是免费的(如自由和价格一样),是开源软件,因此任何人都可以为使 Mixxx 变得更好而做出贡献 – 包括您在内!
Mixxx 是一款非常出色的开源免费 DJ 混音软件,其功能和表现堪比市面上许多收费软件。它支持多种音频格式,拥有丰富的 DJ 工具和效果器,同时还可以自定义设置和脚本编写,满足了不同用户的需求。另外,Mixxx 的界面设计简洁大方,操作也非常友好,即使是初学者也能很快上手。此外,Mixxx 还有一个非常活跃的社区,用户可以在其中分享和交流自己的经验和技巧。总之,Mixxx 是一款优秀的免费 DJ 混音软件,为广大爱好音乐的用户提供了良好的音乐创作和演出平台。
Controller Mappings
Behringer DDM4000 & BCR2000: Fix exception in JS code #12969
Denon DJ MC6000MK2: Fix mapping of filter knob/button #13166
Denon DJ MC7000: Fix redundant argument and migrate to hotcue_x_status #13113 #13121
Hercules Inpulse 200: Configure shift-browser knob to scroll the library (quick) #12932
Pioneer DDJ-FLX4: Add waveform zoom and other mapping improvements #12896 #12842
Traktor Kontrol F1: Fixes for hid-parser and related script #12876
Traktor S2 Mk1: fix warnings #13145
Traktor S3: Fix mapping crash on macOS #12840
Controller I/O table: sort action column by display string #13039
Target Support
Fix various minor build issues #12853 #12847 #12822 #12892 #13079 #12989
CMakeLists: Always prefer OpenGL framework on macOS #13080
Deere: make sampler rows persist #12928
Tango: Remove unneeded waveform Singleton #12938
Prevent possible crash in customs skins using parallel waveforms #13043 #12580 #13136
Slider tooltip: consider orientation for up/down shortcut tooltips + add support for WKnobComposed #13088
Tooltips: update 'hotcue' with saved loop features #12875
Animate long press latching of sync button #12990
Polish fx chain controls #12805
Sidebar: show track count and duration of History playlists #12811 #13020 #13019 #12788 #12880 #12882
Computer feature: update removable devices on Linux #12893 #12891
Playlists: Prevent removing tracks from locked playlists #12927
History feature: Fix removing deleted tracks after export #13016 #13000
BPM display uses decimal separator of selected locale #13067 #13051
Fix relink directory when migrate between Linux/macOS and Windows #12878
Allow adding new directories while watched directories are missing #12937 #10481
Require a minimum movement before initiating the drag&drop of tracks #13135 #12902
iTunes/Serato/Traktor/Rhythmbox: Print error if library file could not be opened #13012
Playlists: improve table update after deleting (purging) track files #13127
Fix Color column width issue #12852
Tracks: select track row when clicking the preview button (only when starting preview) #12791
Library track menu: show Hide action also in Playlist & Crates #11901
Remove unnecessary unpolish operation of the style, before polish the new style #12445
Developer Tools: Initially sort controls by group name, ascending #12884
Waveforms: Fix scratching crossing loop boundaries #13007
Prohibit un-replace when deck is playing #13023 #12906
Track Properties dialog: Prevent wiping metadata when applying twice quickly #12965 #12963
AutoDJ: Fix button state after error message about playing deck 3/4 #12976 #12975
Tagfetcher: Cache fetched covers #12301 #11084
Avoid beats iterator being one off and DEBUG_ASSERT in Beats::iteratorFrom #13150 #13149
Show hint if resource path in CMakeCache.txt does not exist #12929
Always calculate the auto value for colorful console output. #13153
Fix FLAC recording on macOS and Windows #10880 #13154